The main objectives of this project are to:
develop a model-based prognostic method, integrating FMECA and PRM approaches for intelligent equipment condition prediction,
create a new tool MDSS (Maintenance Decision Support System – Maintenance Decision Support System) for determining maintenance strategy and resource management in smart industries, integrating ERP support,
introduce an MSP tool (Maintenance Service Platform – Maintenance Support Platform) to share information among the staff involved.
The project approach is able to improve the overall efficiency of enterprises with respect to the following perspectives:
Increase the availability and therefore the overall efficiency of (OEE – Overall Equipment Effectiveness) equipment through increasing MTBF and reducing MTTR and MDT.
Continuously monitor criticality of system components by performing/updating FMECA analysis at the first implementation or whenever there is a change in system design or composition.
Build physical models of components that have a higher level of criticality or that their state is difficult to monitor.
Determine an optimal strategy for maintenance activities
Creation of a new planning of production activities that will optimize the overall performance of the system via an intelligent planning tool, ensuring collaboration between the MDSS, ERP and the PUL Estimation Tool (Remaining Useful Life – remaining life).
Offer, in addition to traditional data acquisition and management functions in a machine condition monitoring system, robust and customizable data analysis services from a cloud-based platform.
Develop an intra-factory information service to enable company staff to be informed rapidly of changes in machine tool performance and to be able to react easily to any rescheduling of production activities and maintenance.
The production and maintenance programming of production lines and entire plants will be carried out with flexibility in real time, in order to operate at the required level of efficiency, optimize resources and plan repair interventions.